We identify and connect successful ideas in Energy, Mobility, Health and Technology from across the world
that flourish and promote sustainable growth.
We identify insights into new markets
We connect people and ideas
We support innovation at product and market levels
From advice, through to investigation, regulation, ideas and organizational, sales & marketing delivery we can help you connect innovations and opportunities across the world.
We identify business and technology,
connect people, and innovate business for clients, crossing borders
and industries.
Regional Trade &
Investment Relationships
We establish regional relationships such as the one between Thames Valley (UK) and Kansai (Japan). Under a regional partnership, we support government-industry-academia collaboration and exchanges and
create new business opportunities.
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Our knowledge of sector specific regulations & legislation allow us to smooth the way to successful market
Our rigorous, grassroots approach to insights development ensure no opportunities are left uncovered.
We provide training courses, coaching and seminars to help you understand the cultural differences in cross border business and so maximise relationships and success in new market ventures.
Organisational Development & HR
We help you create physical and virtual organisations in harmony with the markets you enter. As the world continues to change, we help you train, manage and adapt your people to achieve international success.
Bilingual Support for Business
As a ‘business interpreter’ we help you
develop ideas and strategies for Trade Missions and Exhibitions in new markets using OBMs language and business expertise.
Our hands-on experience of markets and businesses across the world mean we can help create bi-lingual and culturally sensitive sales materials that really work.
We have a specialism in Japanese-UK sales & marketing strategy and collateral creation.